miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

007 - Esuchuu! 03 - AOI -

Pues el penultimo de estos "Esuchuu!" solamente queda el que mas he esperado para hacer el de Shiho u.u y despues de eso mas proyectos :)

Espero les guste, les debo los links de mega por el momento solo lectura online D:


Hello! Here it is the third part of Esuchuu! hope you like it, by the moment i haven´t MEGA links i´m waiting for corrections to it but you can read it fully here:

1 comentario:

  1. Just a small comment but otherwise looks like a good translation. In page 14, middle frames "that happened during his use" should be "that happened during its use" since she's referring to the card itself, not the user.
